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What is reiki? Reiki is a hands on healing energy therapy and spiritual practise. Reiki channels universal life force energy through the attuned reiki practitioner to the client. Reiki works with the body’s own natural healing system. 



At Jasmine Sky Wellness Centre we are qualified to offer Reiki treatments and teach Reiki First Degree, Second Degree and Master/Teacher level. I was attuned to Reiki Master level in 2005 and have been teaching reiki since 2010. (You can read about my journey in the blog section Reiki-  A Healing Journey For Everyone).




Can reiki hurt me? No, reiki is universal life force energy and we are all made of energy.



What can I expect during a reiki treatment?

During a treatment you are laying on a massage table, or seated on a chair if you are unable to hop onto the table. Fully dressed except for your shoes. A light blanket is placed on you. During the treatment the reiki practitioner will either gently place their hands on you or hover them above you. Depending on your physical ailments and why you have decided on a treatment you could  experience one or all of the following sensations, heat, cold, tingling, pulsing or even a release( a shift in the body). The least you will experience is relaxation. As it has been shown one of the first things reiki does is relaxes the nervous system. 




Reiki First Degree is primarily for the self, family and friends. Reiki works on the whole body helping to rebalance, repair and strengthen. Reiki has been proven to promote relaxation, reduce pain and helps with a variety of ailments. In Reiki First Degree you will receive a manual, lineage, certificate and attunement. We cover the history, principles and I introduce you to the Cho ku rei which is the power symbol. 

Times: 10am - 3.30pm  depending on numbers

Investment $222.00 per person. 



Reiki Second Degree is the next step on your reiki journey. Here you are introduced to the Sei He Ki the emotional symbol and the the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen the distant/absent healing symbol. You are given the sending sequence for distant/absent healing. We look at how Reiki can be sent to future and past events and also to our inner child. You will receive a manual, lineage, certificate and attunement. 

Times: 10am - 3.30pm depending on numbers 

Investment $222.00 per person.



Reiki Master - Information available on request.

Reiki Teacher - Information available on request.



Bookings are required for treatments and teachings.

Please call 0407166259 or email




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